Planning and Preparation
1a. Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy
Indicators include: • Lesson and unit plans that reflect important concepts in the discipline • Lesson and unit plans that accommodate prerequisite relationships among concepts and skills • Clear and accurate classroom explanations • Accurate answers to students’ questions • Feedback to students that furthers learning • Interdisciplinary connections in plans and practice
During my First year of teaching, I was unfamiliar with how to prepare students to mentally engage by forming strong Learning Objectives. I focused on improving the strength of my daily objectives. By providing a strong learning objective, they better understand the expectations for the day, and I can provide specific feedback to help students improve. I have also adopted the New Visions Living Environment Curriculum, which I use to help form Learning Objectives. I have taken continuous feedback from my administrators and mentor teachers, I have shown growth in this area. I shared my strategy for learning objectives with my colleagues. (Unpacking LOs with Modeste )
Year 1 Feedback Exerpt
Year 4 Feedback Exerpt
Year 1 Observation Report
Evaluator: Erin Gehant, Prinicpal
Date: 11/07/2016
Year 4 Observation Report
Evaluator: Roony Vizcaino, Principal
Date: 12/03/2019
1e. Designing Coherent Instruction
Lessons that support instructional outcomes and reflect important concepts • Instructional maps that indicate relationships to prior learning • Activities that represent high-level thinking • Opportunities for student choice • Use of varied resources • Thoughtfully planned learning groups • Structured lesson plans
With the use of the New Visions Living Environment Curriculum, I am able to carry students through a continuous arc of learning from Anchor Phenomena to End of Unit tasks. The 5 E model provides both consistency and opportunity for student inquiry. As students work through each 5E phase, they gather more information that they can use when completing their end of unit task. By providing students opportunities to revise and revisit their understanding of the content, they take more ownership of learning. As I became more comfortable with the scope of the curriculum, through attending New Visions PDs. The growth evidenced in this section occured within the same year.
Year 3
Year 3. Evidence of growth within the same year
Year 3 Observation Report
Evaluator: Isabella Robertson, Assistant Principal
Date: 12/ 6/ 2018
Year 3 Observation Report
Evaluator: Roony Vizcaino, Principal
Date: 5/10/2019