3b. Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques
Indicators include: • Questions of high cognitive challenge, formulated by both students and teacher • Questions with multiple correct answers or multiple approaches, even when there is a single correct response • Effective use of student responses and ideas • Discussion, with the teacher stepping out of the central, mediating role • Focus on the reasoning exhibited by students in discussion, both in give-and-take with the teacher and with their classmates • High levels of student participation in discussion
This domain has been my focus area of growth this past year. With the implementation of the New Visions Living Environment curriculum, I am able to facilitate Higher Order thinking by asking deeper questions. Using feedback from Mr. Vizcaino, I developed questions aligned with Depth of Knowlege level 3 and above. I then worked on wait time and discussion protocols to help students ground their conversations in evidence and vocabulary.
Year 2
Year 4
Year 2 Observation Report
Evaluator: Roony Vizcaino, Principal
Date 5/11/2018
Year 3 Observation Report
Evaluator: Roony Vizcaino, Principal
Date: 5/10/2019
Evidence Based Discussions in The Living Environment
In this video, you will find evidence of how students are beginning to formulate claims by collecting evidence from a text and discussion with their peers.
3c. Engaging Students in Learning
Indicators include: • Student enthusiasm, interest, thinking, problem solving, etc. • Learning tasks that require high-level student thinking and invite students to explain their thinking • Students highly motivated to work on all tasks and persistent even when the tasks are challenging • Students actively “working,” rather than watching while their teacher “works” • Suitable pacing of the lesson: neither dragged out nor rushed, with time for closure and student reflection
As I mentioned, the academic, lingual and cultural diversity of my students l encourages me to be creative in the planning the activities and experiences I use to help them learn best. Since my first year, I have moved from teacher dominated lessons, to student centered activities with strategic student grouping and more authentic discussions.
Year 1
Year 4
Year 1 Observation Report
Evaluator: Erin Gehant, Principal
Date: 11/07/ 2016
Year 4 Observation Report
Evaluator: Roony Vizcaino, Principal
Date: 10/28/2019
AP Biology Speed Dating
Reflecting on Mr. Vizcaino's feedback about managing classtime to allow for students to be intellectually engaged, I challenged myself to condense my directions and allow students more time to engage in authentic discussion. In this video, you will see clips from the AP Biology "Organelle Speed Dating" activity, in which students were assigned a specific organelle in the cell and created a Dating profile. They then discussed the function, importance and compatibility of their organelles in a Speed Dating format. My classroom was transformed into a restaurant and my students were the exclusive guests.
3d. Using Assessment in Instruction
Indicators include: • The teacher paying close attention to evidence of student understanding • The teacher posing specifically created questions to elicit evidence of student understanding • The teacher circulating to monitor student learning and to offer feedback • Students assessing their own work against established criteria
With the adoption of the New Visions Curriculum, my planning has transitioned to asking students higher order questions to probe for student understanding. The curriculum offers a variety of Group Learning Routines, such as 'Rumors' which can be used to assess student misconceptions or understanding of scientific concepts. I was also working on creating more explicit criteria so that students were able to self-monitor their success.
Year 1
Year 4
Year 1 Observation Report
Evaluator: Erin Gehant, Principal
Date. 12/13/2016
Year 3 Observation Report
Evaluator: Roony Vizcaino, Principal
Date: 5/10/2019